Importance of Afghanistan

Today, the whole world is concerned about the land, which is the epicenter of terror along with Pakistan. In the past, India was protected due to the valor of great warriors of Gandhar and Sindh and kings like Jayapala and Dahir. For at least 200 years, the mainland of India was safe. Once Muhammad Ghazni broke through these lands, he could reach India in 1001 CE. But now that Ghazni’s children are ruling the roost here, what the world must expect in the near future? How is it going to impact India? Future will tell.

Who really benefitted from this 20+ years of struggle of the people of Afghanistan? First and foremost, the Pakistani military establishment. They got a perfect dual job of promoting Islamism and terrorism to prove their sole reason for existence and, of course, a large amount of cash from the US, Sauds, and China in their pockets. They have no respect for their own citizens – a small coterie of the military leaders became richer. Second, the US ‘War machines’, warlords of Pakistan and Afghanistan,  and contractors of US and UK benefited greatly. Now there is no more American tax money available, people of America are sick of losing their dear ones; the game is closed for the war machine until they find another battleground in some other country, maybe in South America or Africa!

Much more details are in the book #TheCrashOfACivilization

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