Kanchan Banerjee

Renowned Author

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Kanchan Banerjee

Kanchan Banerjee is writing a series of books that will compel you to ask and find answers to many questions. The first book, having many shocking, surprising, and pinching facts, will be released in summer 2022 – at the middle of the year, 2022. Are you ready for the hard-hitting questions? Here are some sample questions that will be asked and answered in the book by Kanchan:


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Date:- July 30, 2022

Kanchan Banerjee claims that his book seeks to create awareness amongst the next generation on how history has been suppressed and concocted by the neo-colonialists to keep Indians feeling inferior.

It has been an acknowledged fact that out of all the ancient civilizations—such as Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Chinese—it is only the Indian civilization which has solely survived, and has contributed, via Vedanta, and the holy scriptures, unparalleled spiritual thought and practices.
Kanchan Banerjee, a computer scientist by profession, and a keen observer of the concurrent unfolding of events and their impact, has in his book, presented a critique of the manner in which history has been misinterpreted in the past, and how it has displayed an erroneous view, heavily influenced by Marxists, Left liberals, missionaries and Indian scholars, primarily motivated by the Western school of thought.
The author is extremely critical of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s First Prime Minister, and finds his doctrine flawed, since it does not take into account the role of Dharma in our everyday lives which has assisted this great nation to withstand the tyranny of foreign invasions, and to hold its ground culturally and spiritually, for example, in the face of Islamic rule and infiltration. India, fortunately, despite insurmountable obstacles, has retained the distinct identity of its spiritual ethos inspired by the teachings and profound wisdom of sages and seers. Banerjee makes an impactful observation about our modern great thinkers, such as Sri Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda who comprehended the true significance of civilization. Then, there was Veer Savarkar, the only person who could probably have prevented the horrific Partition of India.
The writer, while criticising Romila Thapar, and some alike, other historians, has questioned their version of events, which he claims was not an accurate presentation of how occurrences unfurled and developed. Instead, he has made it amply clear that while he has no background as a student of history, he became extremely engrossed in the subject over the years, and has viewed the myriad issues from the perspective of a scientist. In other words, what he has tried to bring forth, of course, though at variance with Thapar and her colleagues, that his findings, being fully documented, and based on scientific practice of analysis, are closer to the truth. Banerjee has quoted from the book titled, “Hindutva” written in 1892 by Chandranath Bose, wherein he stated that “To talk about Brahman in you, one must first experience it. This is true Hindutva, and as long as Hindus follow the original ideas of the Rishis, they can regain their own faith, heritage, history and control their destiny.” The author has suggested that the new generation of Indian leaders ought to focus on a few things, first, throwing away the cheap mimicking of the West. People need to go to the root of the ethos of their civilization, that is, Dharma; it is necessary to study and delve into history beyond textbooks. Banerjee has claimed that his book

seeks to create awareness amongst the next generation on how history has been suppressed and concocted by the neo-colonialists to keep Indians feeling inferior, self-conscious, non-confrontational, passive, and ashamed of their tradition and heritage, letting their ancestral heritage go unacknowledged. The book, “The Crash of a Civilization” has revealed the actual impactful nature of various outside cultures, world-views and forces; the weaknesses of the majority of Hindu society, and how to infuse every aspect of living with Dharmic ideas. According to Banerjee, his book is not antagonistic to other scholars, for the sake of it, but is an attempt to understand the genuine nature of those who have affected the lives of people, of societies and of nations in the past, and are continuing to do so. But equally important, it is about knowing one’s true identity. Banerjee is of the view that Hindus face innumerable on-going challenges, some of which may even seem unsurpassable. But deep-rooted in India’s Dharmic system, the Indian mind can amicably resolve them. The bare minimum requirement is to understand the fortitude and strength of the Indian heritage by its inheritors, the leaders, the policymakers and people at large. He also makes extensive reference to the attempts made by followers of the Abrahamic one-book religions to brainwash the Hindu mind, which is far more perceptive and grounded than as to be overtaken by any kind of influences by others.
Cautioning people to be aware of the designs of foreign-inspired historians, the author has maintained that history was not cast in stone but could be interpreted and changed with fresh evidences which have been ignored in the past.
Professor Saradindu Mukherji, member of the Indian Council of Historical Research, in his testimonial, has affirmed that Banerjee’s book was a bold attempt to offer interestingly sound ideas on various themes that have shaped the evolution of human society over the millennium. Left liberals may want to criticise the book as an extension of the Sangh Parivar politics. However, if one goes through its various dimensions, the author provides many fresh aspects, hitherto absent in the presentation of events and landmarks of history. His thesis also needs to be taken seriously and observed by the current political dispensation since he has many new and well-thought-through angles to the Hindutva debate. A must-read mainly for historians, as well as also for the common man, whose misperceptions this book seeks to clear. Banerjee sums up this premise by stating that a Hindu, from childhood, chants or hears others chanting, “Sarvey bhavantu sukhina, sarvey santu niramayah”, meaning “Let everybody be happy and healthy”.



Date:- July 12,2022

Author Kanchan Banerjee’s book The Crash of a Civilization was released in the presence of Swami Biswatmananda Ji, Bharat Sevasram, Bipin Chandra, Padmasree, Indrani Halder, National Award Winning Actress, and others.

Each individual’s current situation, as well as that of the community and the country, is the outcome of a long and complicated past. However, what we have learned from history books, particularly academic textbooks, is based on theories developed from the accounts of political authorities, colonizers, and antiquated socioeconomic analysts. The moment has come to learn about and comprehend our genuine history from new and contemporary angles. The focus of this book is on the tremendous and enduring effects that Christian, Islamic, and later colonial, western, and Marxist influences and ideologies have had on India, the society, and the people.

Speaking at the occasion, Indrani Halder said “I came to know many facts about history. The things that I learned in school were not true but fabrications of historians. I will surely read this book to know more about the history of our country”.  According to the author, the time has come that the citizens of India, both young and old know the truth about Indian history and be proud of their country.

“The book contains evidence, logical deduction, and analysis of many historical events. The readers will learn that many of the things that they have learned are not what they are in actuality” said the author.

The book is available online and at leading bookstores.


The Kolkata Mail

Date:- 12 July,2022

Author Kanchan Banerjee feels that current history textbooks in schools have a lot of content glorifying Mughal rulers who invaded India, while sparsely mentioning the role of Indian rulers. He mentioned this during the launch of his book titled ‘The Crash of a Civilization’. He added that  Indian history needs to be revisited and read in a holistic nature.  “We need to glorify our national heroes and give proportionate references to all periods of Indian history” said Banerjee. Eminent dignitaries like National Award Winning Actress Indrani Halder, Padmashri Bipin Ganatra, the Fire Champion of Kolkata,Vinay Kumar, Regional Director, Regional Directorate of NSS, Kolkata,Swami Sanyuktanand – Co-Ordinator – Fiji Sevashram Sangha and others were present at the book launch.


With a computer science back- ground, Kanchan Banerjee makes this remarkable and significant contribution, attempting to depict the current era with unique and lively storytelling using carefully studied evidence, logical deduction, and analysis. He has given detailed and comprehensive descriptions and assessments from pre-Islamic Arabia’s history, foreign attacks and invasions of the Huns, the Turks to the Islamic rule and occupation in Delhi, and the British colonial and imperial atrocities.



The history of India taught in schools and colleges has been written in “an erroneous way by the invaders” and bears untruths that need to be rectified as soon as possible.


Financial Samachar

Kan­chan Baner­jee claims that his book seeks to cre­ate aware­ness amongst the next gen­er­a­tion on how his­tory has been sup­pressed and con­cocted by the neo-colo­ni­al­ists to keep Indi­ans feel­ing inferior.

India, des­pite insur­mount­able obstacles, has retained the dis­tinct iden­tity of its spir­itual ethos inspired by the teach­ings and pro­found wis­dom of sages and seers.

It has been an acknow­ledged fact that out of all the ancient civil­iz­a­tions—such as Greek, Roman, Egyp­tian and Chinese—it is only the Indian civil­iz­a­tion which has solely sur­vived, and has con­trib­uted, via Ved­anta, and the holy scrip­tures, unpar­alleled spir­itual thought and prac­tices.

Kan­chan Baner­jee, a com­puter sci­ent­ist by pro­fes­sion, and a keen observer of the con­cur­rent unfold­ing of events and their impact, has in his book, presen­ted a cri­tique of the man­ner in which his­tory has been mis­in­ter­preted in the past, and how it has dis­played an erro­neous view, heav­ily influ­enced by Marx­ists, Left lib­er­als, mis­sion­ar­ies and Indian schol­ars, primar­ily motiv­ated by the West­ern school of thought.

The author is extremely crit­ical of Jawa­harlal Nehru,

India’s First Prime Min­is­ter, and finds his doc­trine flawed, since it does not take into account the role of Dharma in our every­day lives which has assisted this great nation to with­stand the tyranny of for­eign inva­sions, and to hold its ground cul­tur­ally and spir­itu­ally, for example, in the face of Islamic rule and infilt­ra­tion. India, for­tu­nately, des­pite insur­mount­able obstacles, has retained the dis­tinct iden­tity of its spir­itual ethos inspired by the teach­ings and pro­found wis­dom of sages and seers. Baner­jee makes an impact­ful obser­va­tion about our mod­ern great thinkers, such as Sri Auro­bindo and Swami Vivekananda who com­pre­hen­ded the true sig­ni­fic­ance of civil­iz­a­tion. Then, there was Veer Sav­arkar, the only per­son who could prob­ably have pre­ven­ted the hor­rific Par­ti­tion of India.

The writer, while cri­ti­cising Rom­ila Thapar, and some alike, other his­tor­i­ans, has ques­tioned their ver­sion of events, which he claims was not an accur­ate present­a­tion of how occur­rences unfurled and developed. Instead, he has made it amply clear that while he has no back­ground as a stu­dent of his­tory, he became extremely engrossed in the sub­ject over the years, and has viewed the myriad issues from the per­spect­ive of a sci­ent­ist. In other words, what he has tried to bring forth, of course, though at vari­ance with Thapar and her col­leagues, that his find­ings, being fully doc­u­mented, and based on sci­entific prac­tice of ana­lysis, are closer to the truth. Baner­jee has quoted from the book titled, “Hindutva” writ­ten in 1892 by Chandranath Bose, wherein he stated that “To talk about Brah­man in you, one must first exper­i­ence it. This is true Hindutva, and as long as Hindus fol­low the ori­ginal ideas of the Rishis, they

Can regain their own faith, her­it­age, his­tory and con­trol their des­tiny.” The author has sug­ges­ted that the new gen­er­a­tion of Indian lead­ers ought to focus on a few things, first, throw­ing away the cheap mim­ick­ing of the West. People need to go to the root of the ethos of their civil­iz­a­tion, that is, Dharma; it is neces­sary to study and delve into his­tory bey­ond text­books. Baner­jee has claimed that his book seeks to cre­ate aware­ness amongst the next gen­er­a­tion on how his­tory has been sup­pressed and con­cocted by the neo-colo­ni­al­ists to keep Indi­ans feel­ing inferior, self-con­scious, non-con­front­a­tional, pass­ive, and ashamed of their tra­di­tion and her­it­age, let­ting their ances­tral her­it­age go unac­know­ledged. The book, “The Crash of a Civil­iz­a­tion” has revealed the actual impact­ful nature of vari­ous out­side cul­tures, world-views and forces; the weak­nesses of the major­ity of Hindu soci­ety, and how to infuse every aspect of liv­ing with Dharmic ideas. Accord­ing to Baner­jee, his book is not ant­ag­on­istic to other schol­ars, for the sake of it, but is an attempt to under­stand the genu­ine nature of those who have affected the lives of people, of soci­et­ies and of nations in the past, and are con­tinu­ing to do so. But equally import­ant, it is about know­ing one’s true iden­tity. Baner­jee is of the view that Hindus face innu­mer­able on-going chal­lenges, some of which may even seem unsur­pass­able. But deep-rooted in India’s Dharmic sys­tem, the

Indian mind can amic­ably resolve them. The bare min­imum require­ment is to under­stand the forti­tude and strength of the Indian her­it­age by its inher­it­ors, the lead­ers, the poli­cy­makers and people at large. He also makes extens­ive ref­er­ence to the attempts made by fol­low­ers of the Abra­hamic one-book reli­gions to brain­wash the Hindu mind, which is far more per­cept­ive and groun­ded than as to be over­taken by any kind of influ­ences by oth­ers.

Cau­tion­ing people to be aware of the designs of for­eign-inspired his­tor­i­ans, the author has main­tained that his­tory was not cast in stone but could be inter­preted and changed with fresh evid­ences which have been ignored in the past.

Pro­fessor Saradindu Mukherji, mem­ber of the Indian Coun­cil of His­tor­ical Research, in his testi­mo­nial, has affirmed that Baner­jee’s book was a bold attempt to offer inter­est­ingly sound ideas on vari­ous themes that have shaped the evol­u­tion of human soci­ety over the mil­len­nium. Left lib­er­als may want to cri­ti­cise the book as an exten­sion of the Sangh Parivar polit­ics. However, if one goes through its vari­ous dimen­sions, the author provides many fresh aspects, hitherto absent in the present­a­tion of events and land­marks of his­tory. His thesis also needs to be taken ser­i­ously and observed by the cur­rent polit­ical dis­pens­a­tion since he has many new and well-thought-through angles to the Hindutva debate. A must-read mainly for his­tor­i­ans, as well as also for the com­mon man, whose mis­per­cep­tions this book seeks to clear. Baner­jee sums up this premise by stat­ing that a Hindu, from child­hood, chants or hears oth­ers chant­ing,



The Current condition of each citizen, the society, and the nation are the result of a deeply complex history. But what we know from history books, especially academic textbooks, are constructs based on the narratives of political powers, colonists, and outdated socioeconomic analysts. The time has come to know and understand our true history from fresh and updated perspectives. The subject of this book is how foreign ideologies and forces Christian, Islamic, and later colonists, western and Marxists’ profound and long-term influence have impacted India, her society, and people.

With a computer science back- ground, Kanchan Banerjee makes this remarkable and significant contribution, attempting to depict the current era with unique and lively storytelling using carefully studied evidence, logical deduction, and analysis. He has given detailed and comprehensive descriptions and assessments from pre-Islamic Arabia’s history, foreign attacks and invasions of the Huns, the Turks to the Islamic rule and occupation in Delhi, and the British colonial and imperial atrocities.

How did the crash and fall of a great ancient civilization happen? How has it been wounded the body and soul of a nation to break into several pieces? And what is the way to change the direction to the path of recovery and revival? This book is an effort to find the answers to these questions from our true history. If we know our past, we can change our future as well.